Peace Innovation Lab Stanford

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Collaborative Sandbox: Capturing collective thinking

In our next Collaborative Sandbox we will have a look at the collective thinking process and explore simple and practical ways to get group collaboration to the next level.      „We had a great discussion – you should have been there!“
        „We didn’t solve the particular issue, but we had a useful discussion on XYZ“

Sounds familiar? Discussions in small groups unfortunately too often stay face-to-face and the outcome, if at all captured, remains random and subject to interpretation. The result ends up being hard to share and even harder to act on.This evening´s workshop takes a look at the collective thinking process. We will explore how pen and paper can become your co-facilitators and help you get your group to the next level.Graphical organizers (also known as templates) cater for an outcome that can be easily shared and built upon. A decent pen and the right graphic on a large paper are powerful tools to focus, channel and inspire a group’s thinking.The SpeakerAnja Kantowsky, an experienced facilitator of workshops and decision-making meetings, will first give us an inspirational talk about the power of templates. Hereafter she will  introduce a number of templates, which she uses as her co-facilitators.In the second part of the Meetup we will collect experiences, which shed a light on the templates you may need.- What are difficult situations in your meetings?- Who uses tools that could help you overcome these difficulties?- What else could these tools be used for?- How might a template be moderated to fit another situation?By doing so, we’ll jointly develop a framework that can help a graphical group organizers community grow.Agenda:18.30 Arrival19.00 Welcome & inspirational input from Anja Kantowsky19.30 Sourcing20.00 Exploration20.30 Group reflection21.00 Beer o´clock! (opportunity to network and get some drinks)What is "Collaborative Sandbox"?We like to give you tools in your hands to help you create change. Instead of merely discussing interesting topics in organizational and societal change, we want to dig deeper: play, experiment and test to give you first hand experiences. Then, share, reflect and get smarter- together!PartnersThe RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce): an enlightenment organisation committed to finding innovative and creative practical solutions to today’s social challenges. Through its ideas, research and 27,000-strong Fellowship it seeks to harness the extraordinary amount of untapped creative potential in society - by empowering people to be active participants in creating a better world.Berlin Peace Innovation Lab, as part of the Stanford Peace Innovation Lab global network, focuses on how technology is facilitating emerging and measurable social changes toward global peace. The Berlin Peace Innovation Lab provides design frameworks, principles and methodologies for interventions that will increase positive engagement at scale.