Nudging Climate Change
- Jan 15, 2015 · 7:00 PM
International Civil Society Centre
Agenda:18.30 Doors open19.00 Doors close :)19.01 Welcome + energizer19.10 Presentation Executive Director Burkhard Gnärig, The International Civil Society Centre19.40: Q&A20.00 Brainstorm: How can we design a campaign that will inspire Germans to improve their personal climate footprint?21.00 Doors open - again :)21.15 Peace Lab after-hours at ProMo Restaurant, Dortmunder Straße,[masked] Berlin
Ticket: Sign up via Meetup. It is free to participate, but we believe in "voting with your pocket", and we would appreciate a donation in the end, to keep us going and if you feel the Lab was valuable to you.Partner:
The International Civil Society Centre helps the world’s leading international civil society organisations maximise their impact for a sustainable and more equitable world.The International Civil Society Centre works with international civil society organisations (ICSOs) to develop strategies for successfully navigating change. We scan the horizon for exciting opportunities; enable learning and cooperation among ICSOs and their stakeholders; support ICSOs with developing effective leadership and promote robust accountability to strengthen ICSOs’ legitimacy.