Peace Innovation Lab Stanford

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Participatory Urban Development in Berlin (Meetup on Sept 4)

Whether you have called Berlin home for decades or are newly arrived - you are invited to attend tonight´s lab to help make Berlin even more inclusive, open and inviting. For the city is only as cosmopolitan, colorful and lively, as its residents.

12.-13. September is the ”Aktionstag für ein schönes Berlin” (Eng. Day of Action for a Splendid Berlin), which is your chance to actively do something for your neighborhood or district. It is time to roll up your sleeves and make your city more beautiful and worth living in.

Contributing is easy. Berliners are asked to form action groups e.g. as a school class, business department, club or with neighbors, friends and family to improve the cityscape or do something nice for others.

Tonight, we are honored to welcome Hella Dunger-Löper, Permanent Secretary at the Berlin Senate Chancellery, who will first set the stage for the importance of active citizenship and participatory city development.

Afterwards we will form small groups according to interests and develop activity ideas that can be implemented on ”Aktionstag für ein schönes Berlin”. It can be cleaning of playgrounds, removing graffiti, giving free hugs, preparing a welcome party for your new neighbors - Your imagination is the limit!


Limited space capacity: 40 people - "First sign-up. First serve" via Meetup

*If you have signed up, and cannot attend, please make sure to delete your participation, to leave room for others. Thank you!

Speaker introductionHella Dunger-Löper (SPD) served, as the Permanent Secretary for Building and Housing at Berlin’s Senate Department for Urban Development from 2004-2011Since December 2011 she represents the state of Berlin, acting as Permanent Secretary, State of Berlin Delegate to the Federation, Commissioner for European Affairs, and Commissioner for Active Citizenship at the Berlin Senate Chancellery.Organizer:Berlin Peace Innovation Lab, as part of the Stanford Peace Innovation Lab global network, focuses on how technology is facilitating emerging and measurable social changes toward global peace. The Berlin Peace Innovation Lab provides design frameworks, principles and methodologies for interventions that will increase positive engagement at scale.