Science Working within Society
On this evening, the Berlin Peace Innovation Lab welcomed 25 international Ph.D. researchers working at the Food Security Center at the University of Hohenheim to share their personal stories and give the audience a glimpse of their research. The evening focused on how academia can be applied to bridge the gap between science and society.
Berlin Peace Innovation Lab, as part of the Stanford Peace Innovation Lab global network, focuses on how technology is facilitating emerging and measurable social changes toward global peace. The Berlin Peace Innovation Lab provides design frameworks, principles and methodologies for interventions that will increase positive engagement at scale.
The Food Security Center (FSC) is a university center of excellence in development cooperation at the University of Hohenheim, Germany. FSC is one of five excellence centers of the program 'exceed – Higher Education Excellence in Development Cooperation', which is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds of the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of Germany