Are You Developing A Killer App for Political Innovation?

Join with us as we Hack For Egypt!When: Saturday May 14Where: Stanford d.SchoolWho Should Attend:
  • coders
  • idea people to work with coders
  • activists to give context/define needs
  • bloggers
  • social media people to twitter and fb status
  • photographers to capture images
  • people to do video capture
  • networkers and super-connectors

How do I get involved?

  1. Learn about the activists behind Egypt’s revolution
  2. Submit an idea we can work on or lend your skills to an existing project
  3. Register for the Hackathon

The Backstory

Earlier this year, Egyptians combined technology and political activism to revolutionary effect . After overthrowing a thirty-year dictatorship, they face new challenges to establishing democracy. Can technology help them through the divisive times ahead?The Unconference and Hackathon for Egypt is an opportunity to find out. On May 14, programmers and engineers will gather at Stanford University to meet with Egyptian activists and discuss applications that could help their cause. Our aim is to build a community that bridges Tahrir Square and Silicon Valley to show what activists equipped with digital tools can achieve.Bring your computers and we’ll provide the activists and the food. The d. school venue is perfectly designed to let the ideas flow. Come check it out!

Hackathon Schedule

9:30 am Registration and Networking10:00 am Introductions

  • Ben Rowswell, Cloud to StreetVisit to Revolutionary Cairo: A Laboratory of Political Activism
  • Saad Khan, Partner, CMEA CapitalAn Introduction to Hacktivism
  • Ahmed Saleh, Co-Founder of KifayaHow Egyptian Activists Used Technology to Drive the Revolution

10:30 am Lightning Talks to Outline App Projects (5 minutes each)

  • Abdallah Helmy, A Mobile Phone App for Political Mobilization (from Cairo)
  • Farhaan Ladhani, A Mesh Network for Egypt
  • Nelly Corbel, Web-Training Election Monitors (from Cairo)
  • Vivek Srinivasan, Crowdsourcing Constitutional Negotiations
  • Ahmed Boguta, Monitoring the Egyptian Parliament (from Cairo)

11:15 am Organize Unconference & Hackathon (facilitated by Dave Nielsen)

  • Developers choose an application to work on, or their own related project
  • Activists in Cairo available by videoconference until 12:00 pm

12:30 pm Luncheon1:00 pm Developers announce projects they have chosen to work on1:30 pm to 5:00 pm:  Hackathon working groups1:30 pm to 5:00 pm:  Unconference panels5:00 pm:  Presentation of Progress to Date5:30 pm:  Next Steps: On to Cairo

  • How this community can help Egypt’s democracy activists going forward

6:00 pm:  Hackathon continuesLocation:the @ Stanford (map)Escondido MallBuilding 550 - Hasso Plattner Institute of DesignStanford, CA  94305

Directions:Enter from the alleyway between Escondido Mall and Panama Street between Buildings 540 and 550 (map)


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Can't be at Stanford tomorrow? Participate Virtually at HackforEgypt


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